Additionally, we study how microbes in the Anthropocene act as sinks or sources of various greenhouse gases.

Microbes as drivers of global element cycles
We explore how microbes drive small to large scale cycling of elements. We work towards understanding how environmental factors regulate these elemental cycles by shaping the microbial communities involved, both at present and in deep time. We further strive to explain the underlying physiological mechanisms and are actively hunting for yet unknown organisms and novel pathways.
Nitrogen cycle
Carbon cycle
Deep-sea biogeochemistry
Interspecies interactions
Microbe-mineral interactions
FUNDERS and PROJECTS (last 5 years)​
DFF Project 2: Seabed methane cycling by reversible electron transfer between archaea and bacteria
DFF MOBILEX: Electric interspecies interactions
DFF: Resuspension
VILLUM: A newly discovered microbial oxygen production pathway
DIAS: Evolution and Ecology of N2 fixation in the ocean
DIAS: Microbial feedbacks in climate change
Chinese Res. Council: Ecology of anoxygenic phototrophs in OMZ
Laura BRISTOW, Associate Professor (N-cycle)
Don CANFIELD, Professor (OMZ; O2-control of N-cycle; marine biogeochemistry)
Morten ELSNER KIELER, Engineering Assistant, Lab Technician (Pressure tanks)
Paula GARCÍA OTERO, Ph.D. student (Ecophysiology)
Ronnie N. GLUD, Professor (Carbon mineralization, carbon burial, microbial interactions)
Anni GLUD, Lab Technician (Microsensors)
Heidi GRØN JENSEN, Lab Manager (GC, IC)
Danijel JOVICIC, Ph.D. student (Interspecies & microbe-mineral interactions; methane-cycling)
Elisa HERNANDEZ MAGANA, Ph.D. student (Ecophysiology)
Beate KRAFT, Assistant Professor (Ecophysiology, N-cycle, microbial interactions)
Carolin LOESCHER, Assistant Professor (N2 fixation; greenhouse gases)
Amelia-Elena ROTARU, Associate Professor (Interspecies & microbe-mineral interactions; methane-cycle, C-cycle)
Christian Furbo REEDER, Ph.D. student (Nitrogen fixation; greenhouse gases)
Peter STIEF, Associate Professor (N-cycle, deep-sea biogeochemistry, interspecies interactions)
Bo THAMDRUP, Professor (deep-sea biogeochemistry; N-cycles)
Alexander TREUSCH, Associate Professor (N-, C-cycles; greenhouse gases)
Peihang XU, Ph.D. student (C-cycle; greenhouse gases)
Lasse ØRUM-SMIDT, Lab Technician (methanogens, GC)

Image rights: Amelia-Elena Rotaru